INGLES I: Act. 4 Listening Comprenhension
Comenzado el lunes, 17 de marzo de 2014, 15:47
Completado el lunes, 17 de marzo de 2014, 16:27
Tiempo empleado 39 minutos 43 segundos
Puntos 10/10
Calificación 20 de un máximo de 20 (100%)
Question 1
Tipo D1: Listening : UNIT 4 -
Choose the correct option according
to the listening A Famous Artist.
People in the room:
Seleccione una respuesta.
a. Don't know who the man is.
b. Don't pay attention to the man.
c. Know about the person talking.
d. Know who the man is. Respuesta Correcta
Puntos para este envío: 1/1.
Question 2
Tipo D1: Listening : Unit 2 -
Adverbs of Frequency
Choose the correct option according
to the listening Helen and Daniel at the gym
In the conversation, Daniel goes to
school and studies until:
Seleccione una respuesta.
a. 05:00 p.m.
b. 07:00 p.m.
c. 08:00 p.m.
d. 04:00 p.m. Respuesta Correcta
Puntos para este envío: 1/1.
Question 3
Tipo D1: Listening : Unit 1 - Family
Choose the correct option according
to the listening My Family.
The family gets together:
Seleccione una respuesta.
a. Very frequently.
b. Three times a year
c. Once a year.
d. Several times a year. Respuesta Correcta Correct; they get together several times a year.
Puntos para este envío: 1/1.
Question 4
Tipo D1: Listening : Unit 1 - Family
Choose the correct option according
to the listening My Family.
The woman’s family is:
Seleccione una respuesta.
a. Small and happy family. Respuesta Correcta Correct!! she has a small and happy family.
b. She doesn´t have a family.
c. Joyful and enormous.
d. Big and boring.
Puntos para este envío: 1/1.
Question 5
Puntos para este envío: 1/1.
Tipo D1: Listening : UNIT 4 -
Choose the correct option according
to the listening A Famous Artist.
The man is wearing:
Seleccione una respuesta.
a. Long pants and brown shoes.
b. Blue pants and a black shirt.
c. Jeans and a T-shirt Respuesta Correcta
d. A formal suit.
Puntos para este envío: 1/1.
Question 6
Tipo D1: Listening : Unit 1 -
Possessive noun with –s.
Choose the correct option according
to the listening Helen and Daniel at the gym
According to the listening, a dog
walker is a person who:
Seleccione una respuesta.
a. Takes dog's people for walks
b. Walks with a dog's people
c. Takes people's dog for walks Respuesta Correcta Well done, it is the correct answer!!
d. Walks with a people's dog
Puntos para este envío: 1/1.
Question 7
Tipo D1: Listening : Unit 4 -
Choose the correct option according
to the listening Helen and Daniel at the gym
The word that best completes the
sentence: "Helen Black does the ________ report on TV"
Seleccione una respuesta.
a. Sweater
b. Were
c. Water
d. Weather Respuesta Correcta Well done, it is the
correct answer!!
Puntos para este envío: 1/1.
Question 8
Tipo D1: Listening : Unit 4 -
Choose the correct option according
to the listening Helen and Daniel at the gym
According to the listening, Helen is
Seleccione una respuesta.
a. Tv announcer Respuesta Correcta Well done, it is the correct answer!!
b. Metereologist
c. Dog walker
d. Professional trainer
Puntos para este envío: 1/1.
Question 9
Tipo D1: Listening : UNIT 4 -
Choose the correct option according
to the listening A Famous Artist.
The man in the room is:
Seleccione una respuesta.
a. A famous singer.
b. Old and good looking.
c. A famous teenager
d. Someone young and famous. Respuesta Correcta
Puntos para este envío: 1/1.
Question 10
Tipo D1: Listening : Unit 3 - Simple
questions and responses using Verb To Do.
Choose the correct option according
to the listening Helen and Daniel at the gym
Does she usually come to the gym in
the morning?
Seleccione una respuesta.
a. No, she don't.
b. Yes, she does. Respuesta Correcta Well done, it is the correct answer because the auxiliary verb correspond to
the personal pronoun.!!
c. Yes, she am.
d. No, she do.
Puntos para este envío: 1/1.
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