Evaluación Fase 3 TEORÍA DE LAS DECISIONES: Examen Universitario 2019

Comenzó en Domingo 29 de Septiembre de 2019
Completado en Domingo 29 de Septiembre de 2019
Tiempo tomado 45 minutos 28 segundos
Marcas 10.00 / 10.00
Calificar; nota 50.00 de 50.00 ( 100 %)
Realimentación Excelente actuación. Has entendido completamente el tema.

Pregunta 1

Estas preguntas también consisten en dos proposiciones: una declaración y una razón, naciones por la palabra por qué. Debe examinar la veracidad de cada proposición y la relación teórica que las une.


Las decisiones piloto o tácticas, las decisiones son tomadas por la gerencia intermedia en intentan asignar eficientemente los recursos disponibles para cumplir con los objetivos establecidos a nivel estratégico porque estas decisiones pueden no ser repetitivas y el grado de repetición es insuficiente para confiar en los precedentes, también ya que sus consecuencias tienden a ocurrir en un largo período de tiempo y generalmente son irreversibles y los errores implican sanciones muy fuertes a menos que se acumulen.

Seleccione uno:

a. La afirmación y la razón son verdaderas y la razón es una explicación correcta de la declaración.
si. La afirmación es verdadera, pero la razón es una proposición falsa.
C. La afirmación y la razón y la razón son verdaderas, pero la razón no es una explicación correcta de la declaración. Respuesta Correcta
d. La afirmación es falsa, pero la razón es una proposición verdadera.

Pregunta 2

Este tipo de pregunta consta de una declaración y cuatro opciones. Solo una de estasopciones para responder correctamente la pregunta. El alumno debe seleccionar la respuesta y marcarla de acuerdo con la opinión correcta.


Una empresa dedicada a la fabricación de ciertas piezas para ensamblar vehículos de fábrica debe decidir si una nueva pieza en su planta principal, o si, por el contrario, compra a un vendedor coreano. Las utilidades dependen de la demanda del producto. La tabla muestra las ganancias proyectadas, en millones de pesos.

Tabla 1. Proceso de decisión para la comercialización del producto.

Al mismo tiempo, el árbol de decisión resultante es:

De acuerdo con la información anterior, el valor esperado sin información perfecta (EV sin IP) del problema es:

Seleccione uno:

a. 35,5 millones.
si. 35,3 millones.
C. 36,8 millones.
re. 36,5 millones.  Respuesta Correcta

Pregunta 3

Este tipo de pregunta consta de una declaración y cuatro opciones. Solo una de estas opciones para responder correctamente la pregunta. El alumno debe seleccionar la respuesta y marcarla de acuerdo con la opinión correcta.


The decisions that are repetitive and routine, when you have defined a procedure or has established criteria (or rule of decision) that makes it easier to cope with, allowing the not be treated again each time you must make a decision and that it is repetitive because the problem occurs with some frequency in a way that is a common procedure to resolve this issue, are called:

Select one:

a. Non-programmed decisions of typology without methods.
b. Programmed decisions of typology by methods. Respuesta Correcta
c. Making unscheduled typology by methods.
d. Decisions scheduled typology without methods.

Pregunta 4

This question consists of two propositions as well: a statement and a reason, nations by the word why. You must examine the veracity of each proposition and the theoretical relationship that unites them.


The risk environment is one in which the decision-maker does not know that states of nature can be presented and the likelihood to each of them. Under these conditions a decision criterion that applies is the so-called "expected monetary value criterion" because this approach consists in estimating the monetary value of each alternative decision and choose one that has a monetary value.

Select one:

a. The affirmation and reason are true and the reason is a correct explanation of the statement.
b. The affirmation and reason are true, but the reason is not a correct explanation of the statement.
c. The statement is true, but the reason is a false proposition.
d. The statement is false, but the reason is a proposition true. Respuesta Correcta

Question 5

This question consists of two propositions as well: a statement and a reason, nations by the word why. You must examine the veracity of each proposition and the theoretical relationship that unites them.


The decision is the choice between several possible alternatives, taking into account the limitation of resources and with the aim of achieving a desired result because the term decide is how to identify and solve the problems that are presented to the entire organization.

Select one:

a. The statement is false, but the reason is a proposition true.
b. The affirmation and reason are true and the reason is a correct explanation of the statement.
c. The affirmation and reason are true, but the reason is not a correct explanation of the statement.  Respuesta Correcta
d. The statement is true, but the reason is a false proposition.

Pregunta 6

This question consists of two propositions as well: a statement and a reason, nations by the word why. You must examine the veracity of each proposition and the theoretical relationship that unites them.


When the decision-maker has some knowledge about the states of nature you can assign to the occurrence of each state some objective estimation of probability because the decision - maker can assign subjective probabilities to the occurrence of the states of nature to evaluate different alternatives before taking any decision.

Select one:

a. The affirmation and reason are true and the reason is a correct explanation of the statement.
b. The statement is false, but the reason is a proposition true. Respuesta Correcta
c. The affirmation and reason are true, but the reason is not a correct explanation of the statement.
d. The statement is true, but the reason is a false proposition.

Pregunta 7

These questions consist of two propositions as well: a statement and a reason, nations by the word why. You must examine the veracity of each proposition and the theoretical relationship that unites them.


The deterministic models of decision, are known with certainty all the data of the reality that represent because if one or more data are referred to only in terms of probability, the model is called, probabilistic, random or stochastic.

Select one:

a. The affirmation and reason are true and the reason is a correct explanation of the statement.
b. The statement is true, but the reason is a false proposition.
c. The affirmation and the reason and reason are true, but the reason is not a correct explanation of the statement. Respuesta Correcta
d. The statement is false, but the reason is a proposition true.

Pregunta 8

This type of question consists of a statement, and four options. Only one of these options to correctly answer the question. The student must select the response and mark it according to the think is correct.


A company dedicated to the manufacture of certain parts to assemble factory vehicles must decide whether a new piece in its main plant, or if on the contrary you purchase from a vendor Korean. The utilities depend on the demand for the product. The table shows the projected profits, in millionss of pesos.

Table 1. Decision process for the marketing of the product

At the same time, the resulting decision tree is:

According to the above information, the Expected Value with Perfect Information (EVwithPI) of the problem is:

Select one:

a. 39.5 millions.   Respuesta Correcta
b. 35.3 millions.
c. 38.5 millions.
d. 36.8 millions.

Pregunta 9

This type of question consists of a statement, and four options. Only one of these options to correctly answer the question. The student must select the response and mark it according to the think is correct.


The decision models can be classified according to several criteria, including: objective, subjective, analytical, simulation, static, dynamic, deterministic and probabilistic. The models that are presumed to be known with certainty all the data of the reality they represent and the models that incorporate the time as a variable or as a fundamental parameter in your order are called:

Select one:

a. Analytical models and dynamic models.
b. Stochastic and deterministic models. A
c. Deterministic models and dynamic models.  Respuesta Correcta
d. Models of certainty and static models.

Pregunta 10

This type of question consists of a statement, and four options. Only one of these options to correctly answer the question. The student must select the response and mark it according to the think is correct.


Realizar un análisis de la decisión primero debe definirse:

Seleccione uno:

a. El problema y la estructura de decisión. Respuesta Correcta
b. Solo la estructura de decisión.
c. Las cantidades deterministas o probabilísticas.
d. Las cantidades deterministas solamente.

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